Join The Carers’ Circle

Affordable group therapy for parent carers

Parents of disabled children:
I see you and I want to help you

I hear so often from my fellow SEN parents that you are lonely, isolated and burnt out, but are struggling to access help. Waiting lists for NHS services are long and private therapy is expensive. Raising a disabled child brings so many extra costs and there’s nothing left for what YOU need. And even if you could get therapy, will your therapist really understand the challenges you face?

I’m here to say that I will. I do. I live it too and I understand where you are coming from.

I’ve been in the trenches. I know how hard it can be. I know you often come last on the list.

But I also know – because I have done a lot of work personally and professionally – that it IS possible to feel well resourced, well-rested, more upbeat and less stressed. And it doesn't have to involve spending loads of money or undertaking years of therapy.

I think that group, solution-focused sessions are the answer and so I’ve created The Carers’ Circle just for you.

Starting with four weeks of low-cost, small group therapy and relaxation, in-person in Frome or online.

The Format

When: Wednesday 12th March, 10am - 11.30am, for four weeks (in-person) or Thursday 14th, 10am-11.30am (online)

Where: Frome or Zoom

Cost: £40  

What: A mixture of group chat/sharing, some teaching from me about how the brain works, the impact of stress and what tools can help you manage better, followed by around 20-30 minutes of deep relaxation.

What happens in
a session…

As a small group we’ll have time to chat and connect with each other. I will explain how the brain works and show you how you can change your thinking using the tools I use as a solution focused hypnotherapist. 

I will help you understand where stress and anxiety comes from (aside from the obvious life challenges!) and what we can do to manage it, even in really tough times. We’ll identify where we are emotionally right now and find one small action for the week ahead.

After that I’ll lead a deep, guided relaxation session for the final half hour of our time together.

A new way of thinking

Solution focused hypnotherapy has been an absolute game-changer for me on my journey as an SEN parent. Talking therapy helped initially, but also kind of made me feel worse. When I found the solution focused model, it made total sense and I’ve seen SFH work its gentle magic on my clients over the past four years I’ve been in practice.

SFH doesn't focus on the problems, it helps us to look at our lives and come up with solutions for how to improve them. Even tiny steps count! It is great for giving us hope of change, helping us identify what we have the power to change (our thoughts, feelings, reactions) and getting us into a really strong and positive headspace to deal with life's challenges. 

About Emma

I’m a Solution Focused Hypnotherapist, mother of two ND children (one with a complex physical disability, one with a specific learning difficulty) living in Frome, Somerset.

After my first child was brain-injured at birth and became severely disabled, my life was turned upside down. Nothing about the future was assured. There was a lot of grief and altered expectations, there was medical jargon to learn, diagnoses to wrap my head around… The early years were tough. Sleepless nights, endless crying, feeding difficulties, health concerns, isolation and loneliness. Everything felt bleak, my anxiety was sky-high and I wasn’t sure I would ever be happy again.

Fast forward 12 years and I am in a totally different place. I’ve done a lot of healing, through a variety of therapies, learned a lot about myself and the disabled/SEN community, and experienced a life that’s tough at times but also full of magic and happiness. Life itself isn’t necessarily easier, my caring responsibilities are still intense, my son’s health is still up and down. But I’ve changed my thinking, which has changed my life.

I now have the skills and capacity to lead others to this place, using my lived experience and professional training. I’d love to take you on the journey from surviving to thriving too.

Emma Haines a white woman with dark hair sits smiling in her therapy room